Book Donations
We accept books in good condition, DVDs and audio CDs.
We do not accept Magazines, Encyclopedias or VHS. The books may be used to fill spots in our collection. If the Library is unable to add the item to our collection it may be given to Friends of Spencer County Library to be sold in their Book Sale. Small donations can be dropped off during business hours. If you are donating a large amount please call to arrange a time.
Interested in Becoming a Friend of the Library?
The Friends of the Spencer County Public Library is a fun-loving group of members dedicated to making the Spencer County Library the best it can possibly be.
Stop into the library to pick up an application and info packet.
Monetary Donations
The Library uses the gift of money to purchase books, magazines, and other library materials and equipment. Cash donations allow the most needed materials to be purchased systematically for the library. This reduces processing costs and provides the strongest collection. Donations may be tax-deductible. Contact the library for more information.
Upcoming Events
Junior Anime Club
For ages: 6-12yrs old or K-5th grade
Watch & talk about anime/manga while you eat snacks and do an activity
Toddler Story Time
For ages: 3-4yrs old.
Caregivers with their children are invited to read, learn, play, sing, and explore together.
Siblings are welcome!
Library Board Meeting
Evening Story Time
For ages: Families
Caregivers with their children are invited to read, learn, play, sing, and explore together.
Siblings are welcome!
Dulcimer Group
Dulcimer Group
This free program is open to all ages and skill levels. Bring your own dulcimer.
The Village
The Village
Bring your baby or toddler. Connect with other parents while learning songs and doing activities you can enjoy with your child.
MPCAA Outreach and Lending Library
Adults who are 55+ may attend this free library program and lending library hosted at the MPCAA every first and third Thursday of the month.